Salesforce Shield Encryption


Shield Platform Encryption Best Practices


Encrypt only where necessary:

1] Not all data is sensitive. Focus on information that requires encryption to meet your regulatory, security, compliance, and privacy requirements. Unnecessarily encrypting data impacts functionality and performance.

2] Evaluate your data classification scheme early and work with stakeholders in security, compliance, and business IT departments to define requirements


Create a strategy early for backing up and archiving keys and data

If your tenant secrets are destroyed, reimport them to access your data. You are solely responsible for making sure that your data and tenant secrets are backed up and stored in a safe place. Salesforce cannot help you with deleted, destroyed, or misplaced tenant secrets.


Before enabling encryption, fix any violations that you uncover. For example, if you reference encrypted fields in a SOQL ORDER BY clause, a violation occurs. Fix the violation by removing references to the encrypted fields


Currency and Number fields can’t be encrypted because they could have broad functional consequences across the platform, such as disruptions to roll-up summary reports, report timeframes, and calculations


When you generate a new tenant secret, any new data is encrypted using this key. However, existing sensitive data remains encrypted using previous keys. In this situation, Salesforce strongly recommends re-encrypting these fields using the latest key. Contact Salesforce for help with re-encrypting your data.


General Shield Platform Encryption Considerations


You can’t use encrypted custom fields in criteria-based sharing rules.


Some custom fields can’t be encrypted.


Fields that have the Unique or External ID attributes or include these attributes on previously encrypted custom fields (applies only to fields that use the probabilistic encryption scheme)

Fields on external data objects

Fields that are used in an account contact relation


You can’t use Shield Platform Encryption with Custom Metadata Types.


If a portal is enabled in your organization, you can’t encrypt standard fields. Deactivate all customer portals and partner portals to enable encryption on standard fields. (Communities are supported.)


When Person Accounts are turned on, encrypting any of the following Account fields encrypts the equivalent Contact fields, and vice versa.






When you encrypt any of the following Account or Contact fields, the equivalent fields in Person Accounts are also encrypted.




Mailing Address




Home Phone

Other Phone



When the Account Name or Contact Name field is encrypted, searching for duplicate accounts or contacts to merge doesn’t return any results


Bounce handling doesn’t support encrypted email addresses. If you need email bounce handling, don't encrypt the standard Email field.


You can’t sort records in list views by fields that contain encrypted data.


Encrypted fields can’t be used in:

Criteria-based sharing rules

Similar opportunities searches

External lookup relationships

Filter criteria for data management tools


Considerations for Using Deterministic Encryption


Compound Fields

So, if the First Name and Last Name fields are encrypted in the Contacts object, this query doesn’t work:

Select Id from Contact Where Name = 'William Jones'


But this query does work:

Select Id from Contact Where FirstName = 'William’ And LastName ='Jones'


You can use most of the SOQL statements with deterministic encryption. One exception is GROUP BY, which isn’t supported, even though you can group report results by row or column.


Deterministic encryption only supports exact, case-sensitive matches. Comparison operators that return partial matches aren’t supported. For example, LIKE and STARTS WITH statements aren’t supported.


Because deterministic encryption doesn’t maintain the sort order of encrypted data in the database, ORDER BY isn’t supported.


Field Limits with Shield Platform Encryption


Case Comment Object

The Body field on the Case Comment object has a limit of 4,000 ASCII characters (or 4,000 bytes). However, when these fields are encrypted, the character limit is lower. How much lower depends on the kind of characters you enter.


ASCII: 2959

Chinese, Japanese, Korean: 1333

Other non-ASCII: 1479


Which Salesforce Apps Don’t Support Shield Platform Encryption?

These apps don’t support data encrypted with Shield Platform Encryption. However, you can enable Shield Platform Encryption for other apps when these apps are in use.


Connect Offline

Commerce Cloud (Salesforce B2B Commerce version 4.10 and later is supported)

Einstein Engine

Heroku (but Heroku Connect does support encrypted data)

Marketing Cloud (but Marketing Cloud Connect does support encrypted data)

Salesforce CPQ

Salesforce IQ

Social Customer Service



Salesforce Billing

Legacy portals (customer, self-service, and partner) don’t support data encrypted with Shield Platform Encryption. If legacy portals are active, Shield Platform Encryption can’t be enabled.

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