Builder Design Pattern

Builder Design Pattern

  • The forte of Builder is constructing a complex object step by step. 
  • An abstract base class declares the standard construction process, and concrete derived classes define the appropriate implementation for each step of the process. 
  • Builder is a class (or set of classes) responsible for constructing an object.  Each builder constructs a different part of the object.

#include <string>

#include <iostream>

class Message



std::string greeting, recipient;

void send()


std::cout << greeting << " " << recipient << "!" << std::endl;



class Builder



virtual ~Builder() { }

virtual void build(Message & msg) const=0;


class Hello : public Builder



void build(Message & msg) const


msg.greeting = "Hello";



class World : public Builder



void build(Message & msg) const


msg.recipient = "world";



void hello_world(const Builder & stage1, const Builder & stage2)


Message msg;;;



int main()


hello_world(Hello(), World());

return 0;


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