Generic solutions to common problems encountered in object oriented software design. Patterns are language and domain independent strategies for solving common OO design problems
- Abstraction: focuses upon essential characteristics of the object relative to perspective(domain) of the user.
- Encapsulation: Hides internal details of an object.
- Abstraction and Encapsulation are complementary concepts. Abstraction focuses on the behaviour of an object and Encapsulation focuses on implementation that gives rise to this behaviour.
- Modularity: is the property of dividing the system into set of cohesive and loosely coupled modules.
- Namespaces can be used to logically group related classes into one logical structure.
- Hierarchy is the ranking or ordering of abstractions.( eg1. "is-a" Sorting base class and concrete different sorting algo inherits from base)(eg2: "part-of") "part-of" : Aggregation or containment.
- Aggregation: inner objects lifetime is not controlled by outer object.Eg if classroom is destroyed student will be part of new classroom.(non filled diamond)
- Containment: inner object lifetime is controlled by outer object. Eg if window is closed its button also gets closed.(filled diamond)
- Polymorphism: All movable objects can move. Each object will move in a different way for same message.
- Compile time polymorphism: types will be resolved at compile overloading and function templates.
- Run time polymorphism: types will be resolved at run time. eg virtual functions
Important principles to be followed during software design:
- Single responsibility principle:There should never be more than one reason for a class to change.
- Open closed principle:Module should be open for extension but closed for modification.(eg. through polymorphism client can use any of the subclasses of the abstraction without directly depending on them)
- Liskov substitution principle: Functions that use pointers or references to the base class must be able to use objects of derived class without knowing them.
- Dependency Inversion principle:High level modules should not depend on low level modules. both should depend upon abstractions.
- Abstractions should not depend on the details.Details should depend on abstractions.
- Program to interface not to implementation.
- No variable should hold a reference to concrete class
- No class should derive from a concrete class.
- Interface segregation principle:Many client specific interfaces are better than one general purpose interface. client should not be forced to depend on methods they do not use.
- Interfaces can be broken up into group of functions and each group will server different set of clients
- Inheritence: White box reuse.Implementation of parent class can be easily overriden by derived classes.
- Use inheritence for representing common behaviour.Avoid inheriting from concrete classes.
- Composition: object composition is another form of reuse. Black box reuse.No internal details of object are visible.Composition can be defined dynamically at runtime through references or pointers to objects.
Design patterns can be of following types:
- Creational Object creation.
- Structural deal with composition of objects and classes.
- Behavioural interaction between objects or classes.
Creational Patterns | |
Abstract Factory | Creates an instance of several families of classes |
Builder | Separates object construction from its representation |
Factory Method | Creates an instance of several derived classes |
Prototype | A fully initialised instance to be copied or cloned |
Singleton | A class of which only a single instance can exist |
Structural Patterns | |
Adapter | Match interfaces of different classes |
Bridge | Separates an object’s interface from its implementation |
Composite | A tree structure of simple and composite objects |
Decorator | Add responsibilities to objects dynamically |
Facade | A single class that represents an entire subsystem |
Flyweight | A fine-grained instance used for efficient sharing |
Proxy | An object representing another object |
Behavioural Patterns | |
Chain of Resp. | A way of passing a request between a chain of objects |
Command | Encapsulate a command request as an object |
Interpreter | A way to include language elements in a program |
Iterator | Sequentially access the elements of a collection |
Mediator | Defines simplified communication between classes |
Memento | Capture and restore an object's internal state |
Observer | A way of notifying change to a number of classes |
State | Alter an object's behavior when its state changes |
Strategy | Encapsulates an algorithm inside a class |
Template Method | Defer the exact steps of an algorithm to a subclass |
Visitor | Defines a new operation to a class without change |
Following are the hyperlinks to all 23 Design Patterns:
Creational Patterns | |
Abstract Factory | |
Builder | |
Factory Method | |
Prototype | |
Singleton |
Structural Patterns | |
Adapter | |
Bridge | |
Composite | |
Decorator | |
Facade | |
Flyweight | |
Proxy |
Behavioural Patterns | |
Chain of Resp. | |
Command | |
Interpreter | |
Iterator | |
Mediator | |
Memento | |
Observer | |
State | |
Strategy | |
Template Method | |
Visitor |