Chapter 7 : Embedding Dashboards & Custom Maps

 Embedding dashboards is very important as users gain insight into business. 

Click on record, Edit Page, drag Einstein Analytics Dashboard to record page.

Filtering is important so that dashboards shows only records related to record page.

When multiple dashboards are on same dataset, on selecting some entry, it gets reflected on all dashboards belonging to same dataset.

In order to connect different datasets, Select "Connect Data Sources"

Example connect using industry

You need to create new connection for every field two datasets need to be connected for responsiveness.

If you want to explore lower grain than current one, have link to dashboard and user can move to that lower grain dashboard.

You can implement show details, hide details as follows:

1] Clone a dashboard.

2] Add a button, show details and redirect to cloned page with detail view.

3] Add a button, hide details in cloned page and redirect to original summary page.

Custom Maps

You can create interactive dashboards using custom maps.

You can convert images to geoJSON

Create new dataset from csv.

Make ZipCode to dimension and GroupBy on Zipcode.

Then create a new maptype and upload geoJSON file.

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