Chapter 5 : Dashboards

 Steps are queries which get data to feed dashboards.

Create a dashboard using SMART dashboard templates

Select dataset, metrics, filters etc.. and give dashboard a name.

Creating dashboard from blank

Select a background color.

Global filter executes first.

Create a step and drag and drop it on Chart widget.

Map based charts available.

Using conditional formatting, you can give different colors to different value ranges

You can display column as image

For field editing you need to be in lens mode and not in dashboard mode.

You can customize the tooltip to choose which dimensions to show.

Shows predictive analysis in a form of dashboard.

You can show KPI's and trends that will help CXO to get current and future picture of business.

Can add links

You can set notifications based on a condition.

You can login as another user, and set notifications for them.

Annotations are accessible in the dashboard and posted on chatter.

You can download dashboard as image, excel and csv.

Values table on UI max limit is 10,000 rows.

If requirement is download purpose, create a separate dashboard for it.

If you want above 10K, update SAQL.

Cannot customize dashboard by each user.

You can subscribe to dashboard.

You can add watchlist to dashboard. This will help in tracking certain metrics.

Onboarding on dashboard, helps in embedding video links which would help in learn section. Copy only embed link from youtube.

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