Chapter 12 : Security & Bindings

 Following are layers of security

Authentication : login using username and password.

Authorization : Analytics license and permission sets.

Asset Access : Access to app.

Data security (row level) : sharing inheritance and security predicates.

Edit the dataset, there is section for security.

Give first preference to sharing and than to predicate.

Use changesets to migrate Einstein components between SF orgs.

Use Connect Data Sources to connect multiple datasets on the same dashboard.

Steps for bindings

  • Create a new dataset from csv
  • Open JSON of dashboard created from another org and replace the id of dataset with id of dataset created in previous step. In target org, create a new dashboard and select dataset created in previous step, open its JSON and find dataset id of dataset created in previous step.
  • After replacing dataset id, copy and paste JSON from source to target org.
  • waits for user interaction with table step1.

  • Based on user selection, related dashboard updates.
  • bindings have cell, row, column.
  • In this example two values in 1 column is selected by user
  • Dynamic Grouping is possible. Based on what you click, it will generate charts on different group by.
  • Below approach is using bindings
    • Create a static step
    • Create a step using dataset to pull data.
    • Pull the toggle and place static step there and pull other step as dashboard
    • Select the toggle widget and in step tab select "selection type" as "Single selection(required)"
    • Make column map null for step pointing to chart widget and also make it null in chart widget.
    • bind groups section in step with static step.
    • You can even change the measures for each tab. Add another json parameter v2 in static step.
    • Update measures in step

  • Below approach is using dashboard pages
    • Create two pages.
    • On first page drag and drop a text in first place and color it light gray as if user selected it. 
    • On first page drag and drop a link in second place and link it to second page.
    • drag a chart on first page and group  by what is expected on first chart. (text typed on this page)
    • On second page drag and drop text in second place and color it light gray as if user selected it.
    • On second page drag and drop a link in first place and link it to first page.
    • drag a chart on second page and group by what is expected on second chart(text typed on this page)

  • Advanced Binding editor
  • Drop a toggle on a dashboard and select "change dataset" and than select "Create Custom Query" and select columns
  • To link the opportunity view and account view, click on Advanced Editor

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